Sunday, 12 February 2017

How to Change the ipaddress of dom-0 in ODA Virtualized Platform

I have an opportunity to change the IP address of DOM0 on ODA X5-2 HA virtualized Platform.

DOM0 IP address can be changed after deployment of ODA.

The process of changing IP address is same as we follow during initial configuration.

Execute the below command as root user.

#oakcli configure firstnet

Choose local if your changing IP only on one database server.
Below are the options, which will prompt for you.

1. Choose node :- Local or Global
2. Enter Domain name.
3. Primary DNS server IP
4. Secondary DNS server IP
5. Hostname
6. Choose the interface. Default is net1
7. Enter NO for DHCP.
8. Enter New IP address.

Reference MOS note 1504734.1

Thats all.


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

How to update the IP address of the SCAN VIP on Oracle RAC 12c on ODA X5-2HA

I have an opportunity to change the SCAN VIP on Oracle RAC 12c running on Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 HA.

Please note here i'm changing only IP address. if Subnet is also need to change there will be more steps.

The IP addresses associated with the SCAN VIP resources are initially configured in DNS server when the SCAN resources are created. 
Any changes to the DNS entry for the SCAN are not automatically propagated to the clusterware and need to be done manually. 

Before the SCAN VIPs can be changed, the entry for the SCAN name on the Domain Name Server (DNS) needs to be updated with the new IP addresses.

check the current setting. This output should  reflect the new IP address, which is updated in DNS server. 
all commands being executed from Grid Home as root user. 

nslookup abc-scan

check the current IP address(es) of the SCAN VIPs
srvctl config scan

Stop the SCAN listeners and SCAN.
refresh the SCAN VIPs with the new IP addresses from the DNS entry using the modify command.
srvctl stop scan_listener 
srvctl stop scan
srvctl modify scan -n abc-scan

check if the SCAN VIPs have been changed,
srvctl config scan

 Restart SCAN & SCAN listener:
srvctl start scan 

srvctl start scan_listener

Update the SCAN listener as well.
srvctl modify scan_listener -u

Reference MOS note 952903.1


Monday, 6 February 2017

ODA End user deployment with GUI

This doc will provide step to step procedure of End User Deployment on ODA X5-2 HA.

After deploy the ODA_BASE we need to deploy the final End user deployment to complete the installation of ODA.

End User Image (End-User RDBMS Clone files)  can be downloaded from MOS note 888888.1

Initiate the configurator using the following command

#/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli deploy

deploy command launches a welcome screen.Click on Next.

Select the Configuration type,Hardware and Environment (virtualization or Bare Metal). if offline configurator has already been ran then the configuration file can be browse here.

Enter the system name,region ,timezone and password.

Enter the Domain name,DNS ips,Public,VIP and Scan ip's and host names as well.

Click on create database and enter the required info to configure the database.

Validate the network. In my case it was offline so i skip it.

Review the configuration information, if this is offline configurator then click on save and copy the configuration file to the ODA. if your running from ODA itself then click on Finish. it will take approx 2 hours to complete.

Enjoy ODA Deployment. 
Reference :- Information Center: Oracle Database Appliance (Doc ID 1417713.2)