Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Deploy ODA_BASE on Oracle Database Appliance

This doc will describe the procedure to deploy the ODA_BASE on Oracle Database Appliance.

In my case i deployed on ODA X5-2 HA.

 1)  Once the network is setup, you have initial public network setup.  Please copy the template files to /OVS on dom0 1st node (Node 0).

2)    Download “p16186172_121290_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip” and “p16186172_121290_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip” from MOS Patch# 16186172. 

3)    scp or use winscp to copy the  both files to oak1-dom0 to /OVS

4)    unzip p16186172_121290_Linux-x86-64_1of2.zip

5)    unzip p16186172_121290_Linux-x86-64_2of2.zip

6)    This will create two files:  oda_base_12.1.2.9.gz01 and oda_base_12.1.2.9.gz02

7)    Concatenate the above two files using the cat command. 

cat oda_base_12.1.2.9.gz01 oda_base_12.1.2.9.gz02 > oda_base_12.1.2.9.tar.gz. This file name needs to be entered in the prompt in next step

8)    From Node0 (sc0, oak1-dom0), deploy oda_base by executing “/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli deploy oda_base” as rootRespond to prompts “Enter the template location:” with the absolute path i.e “/OVS/oda_base_12.1.2.9.tar.gz”

-Choosing number of cores (for example 6)  means licensing number of  Cores (6 cores ) on each node. 
-Choose memory as needed for the ODA_BASE. This is the memory that is used for the Database so ensure an appropriate value is chosen.

# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli deploy oda_baseThu May 26 18:13:23 PDT 2016INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 0

INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 1

Enter the template location: /OVS/oda_base_12.1.2.9.tar.gz

Core Licensing Options:

        1. 2 CPU Cores

        2. 4 CPU Cores

        3. 6 CPU Cores

        4. 8 CPU Cores

        5. 10 CPU Cores

        6. 12 CPU Cores

        7. 14 CPU Cores
        8. 16 CPU Cores
        9. 18 CPU Cores
        10. 20 CPU Cores
        11. 22 CPU Cores
        12. 24 CPU Cores
        13. 26 CPU Cores
        14. 28 CPU Cores
        15. 30 CPU Cores
        16. 32 CPU Cores
        17. 34 CPU Cores
        18. 36 CPU Cores

        Selection[1 .. 9](default 36 CPU Cores) : <your selection>

INFO: Using the default cpu cores i.e. 36 cores

        ODA base domain memory in GB(min 16, max 244)[default 244]      : <default will be displayed>

INFO: Using default memory size i.e. 244 GB

Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) [n]: y   <=== Here to enter the vlan info

Select the network to assign (vl200): vl200

Additional vlan networks to be assigned to oda_base ? (y/n) [n]:

INFO: Deployment in non local mode

INFO: Verifying active cores on local node

INFO: Verified active cores on local node

INFO: Verifying active cores on remote node

INFO: Verified active cores on remote node

INFO: Running the command to copy the template /OVS/oda_base_12.1.2.9.tar.gz to remote node 1

oda_base_12.1.2.9.tar.gz 100% 7475MB 62.8MB/s   01:59
INFO: Spawned the process 17035 in the deployment node 0

INFO: Spawned the process 17037 in the node 1

INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 0

INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 0

INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 1

INFO: Validating LSI HBA PCI Cards on node 1

INFO: Deployment in local mode

INFO: Deployment in local mode







INFO: Extracted the image files on node 0


INFO: The VM Configuration data is written to /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/vm.cfg file

INFO: Running /sbin/losetup /dev/loop0 /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/System.img command to mount the image file

INFO: Mount is successfully completed on /dev/loop0

INFO: Validated dom0 and odabase version

INFO: Making change to the /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/tmpmnt/boot/grub/grub.conf file

INFO: Assigning IP to the first node...INFO: Setting up IB Fix bridge
INFO: Enabling IB fix
INFO: Successfully enabled IB fix

INFO: Created oda base pool

INFO: Starting ODA Base...

Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/vm.cfg".

Started domain oakDom1 (id=1)

INFO: Storing the odabase configuration information

INFO: Extracted the image files on node 1


INFO: The VM Configuration data is written to /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/vm.cfg file

INFO: Running /sbin/losetup /dev/loop0 /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/System.img command to mount the image file

INFO: Mount is successfully completed on /dev/loop0

INFO: Validated dom0 and odabase version

INFO: Making change to the /OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/tmpmnt/boot/grub/grub.conf file

INFO: Assigning IP to the second node...INFO: Setting up IB Fix bridge
INFO: Enabling IB fix
INFO: Successfully enabled IB fix

INFO: Created oda base pool

INFO: Starting ODA Base...

Using config file "/OVS/Repositories/odabaseRepo/VirtualMachines/oakDom1/vm.cfg".

Started domain oakDom1 (id=1)

INFO: Storing the odabase configuration information


Once the above process completes, the ODA_BASE domain is started, this can be checked by running oakcli command #oakcli show oda_base

ODA_BASE deployment is completed now. next step is to start the  deployment. i will cover this in next post.


Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) High Availability (HA) Re-image/Restore procedure.

Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) High Availability (HA) Re-image/Restore procedure.

ODA comes bare metal pre-installed with Oracle Linux and Appliance manager.

If customer require, ODA can be re-imaged or restored with Oracle VM (Virtualization) or Bare Metal.
This doc provides step to step procedure to re-image the ODA X5-2 with Virtualized Platform.

ODA OS ISO Image / Bare Metal - Virtualized Platform images can be downloaded from MOS note 888888.1

Download OS ISO image from Patch 16186163

Unzip p16186163_121290_Linux-x86-64.zip

Re-image/ Restore can be initialize from ILOM.

1.    Connect to ILOM from the Browser and login as root.
2.    On left, Navigation pane click on remote control then Redirection then click on Launch Remote Console.

     Once console is there. Click on KVMS then storage.

1      New windows will be open. Click on Add.

5.       Select the downloaded OS ISO (Bare Matel or Virtualize)  from your laptop.

5       In Storage Devices windows you will see the attached ISO image. Select the ISO and click on connect.

5.       Once ISO is connected. Click on Ok.

5.       Once ISO is attached. You will see the screen like below. 

 Goto Navigation pane, Click on Host Control then select CDROM Next Boot Device.

5.       Click on Power Control and select Power Cycle and save. ODA server will boot from CDROM ISO.

5.       Once its boot from CDROM ISO. You will see screen like below. System is booting from ISO now.
It will take around 30 mins to install the Operating System. Do it from both ODA servers.


5.       Once Installation is done. You will see the screen like below. Check the Local hostname should be oak1 and oak2 on node 0 and node 1 respectively. If you find Local hostname is different reboot the server one more time. Press Alt+F2 to login with user root and password welcome1.

5.       Execute xm list. You will see the dom0. 

5.       Execute oakcli show env_hw to verify the virtualized platform. With this step Re-image/ Restore has done. 

      Once Re-image/Restore is done. Assign the IP’s and hostname to the both database servers.
Execute the oakcli configure firstnet
1.       Choose global to assign the IP’s and hostname on both nodes.
2.       Enter the domain name.
3.       Enter the DNS server IP.
4.       Enter the secondary IP for DNS if any or leave blank.
5.       Enter hostname for both nodes.
6.       Choose network interface like net1
7.       For DHCP type NO.
8.       Enter IP’s for both nodes.
9.       Enter netmask IP.
10.   Enter Gateway IP.

With this step ODA re-image/restore procedure is completed.

In my next blog i will explain step by step procedure to deploy ODA_BASE.

Cheers !!!